The Denis Morris Catholic High School Pilgrimage is the first of two annual cornerstone activities highlighting Catholic social teaching which is built on a commitment to a just society and the needs of the poor.
Through financial donations from our students and families, staff and the community, Denis Morris supports two Charitable Organizations:
Ecole Immaculee Conception de Pilate, Haiti and Wells of Hope in Jalapa, Guatemala.
The Pilgrimage walk takes place every autumn in October, and as a school family we walk together on the city streets surrounding Denis Morris Catholic High School.
This event provides students with the opportunity to engage directly with their local community and to live out Catholic social teaching which promotes justice and peace. In addition, the Pilgrimage serves as an opportunity for Denis Morris CHS to build community together, deepen our understanding of the needs of the developing world, address the challenges of our time, and walk in solidarity for our sisters and brothers in Haiti and Guatemala.
Alumni, parents, relatives and friends are always welcome to join us beginning with the Pilgrimage Mass at St. Julia Parish. Additional information, dates and times can be found on our social media accounts and in our weekly happenings.