
music note icon 34238Grade 12 - Arts

ADA4M - Dramatic Arts (University/College):

This course requires students to experiment individually and collaboratively with forms and conventions of both drama and theatre from various cultures and time periods. Students will interpret dramatic literature and other texts and media sources while learning about various theories of directing and acting. Students will examine the significance of dramatic arts in various cultures, and will analyse how the knowledge and skills developed in drama are related to their personal skills, social awareness, and goals beyond secondary school. Pre-requisites: ADA3M OR ADA3O

This course emphasizes the appreciation, analysis, and performance of music from the romantic period and from the twentieth century, including jazz, popular music, art music, and Canadian and non-Western music. Students will concentrate on developing interpretive skills and the ability to work independently. They will also complete complex creative projects in which they make use of new technologies. This course is designed for the intermediate guitar student.

AMI4M - Instrumental Music - University/College

This course emphasizes the appreciation, analysis, and performance of music from the romantic period and the twentieth century, including art music, jazz, popular music, and Canadian and non-Western music. Students will concentrate on developing interpretive skills and the ability to work independently. They will also complete complex creative projects.
Pre-requisites: AMI3M

AMV4M - Music - Vocal/Choral -  University/College

This course emphasizes the appreciation, analysis, and performance of music from the romantic period and from the twentieth century, including jazz, popular music, art music, and Canadian and non-Western music. Students will concentrate on developing interpretive skills and the ability to work independently. They will also complete complex creative projects in which they make use of new technologies. This course is designed for the intermediate vocalist.
Pre-requisites: AMV3M

AVI4M - Visual Arts - University/College

This course focuses on enabling students to refine their use of the creative process when creating and presenting two- and three-dimensional art works using a variety of traditional and emerging media and technologies. Students will use the critical analysis process to deconstruct art works and explore connections between art and society. The studio program enables students to explore a range of materials, processes, and techniques that can be applied in their own art production. Students will also make connections between various works of art in personal, contemporary, historical, and cultural contexts.
Pre-requisites: AVI3M OR AVI3O

AWM4M - Visual Arts - Drawing and Painting - University/College

Description to follow.

AWQ4M - Visual Arts - Photography - University/College

This course will focus on the refinement of skills and knowledge in photography. Students will analyse different photographic art forms and increase their understanding of changes in Western and Canadian Art and art form from around the world. Students will produce a portfolio that highlights their skill in photography as a visual art form. Emphasis will be on the demonstration of a personal style and approach to photography. Emphasis will also be placed on the different forms of photography; traditional and digital through thematic work to reflect a mastery of technique and skill.
Pre-requisites: AWQ3M

AWR4M - Visual Arts - Film/Video - University/College

Description to follow.

AWU4MF - Cultural and Historical Studies - Intensive French - University/College

Description to follow.

AWU4MR - Cultural and Historical Studies - University/College

Description to follow.

















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Denis Morris Catholic High School   •   40 Glen Morris Dr   •   St. Catharines, Ontario, L2T 2M9 •  905 • 684 • 8731

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