
Grade 9 - Health & Physical Education

clubsGrade 9 - Health & Physical Education

PPL1OF - Female - Healthy Active Living - Team Sports - Open

This course emphasizes regular participation in a variety of enjoyable physical activities that promote lifelong healthy active living. Students will learn movement skills and principles, ways to improve personal fitness and physical competence, and safety and injury prevention. They will investigate issues related to healthy sexuality, heart health and the use and abuse of alcohol, tobacco, and other drugs, and will participate in activities designed to develop goal-setting, communication, and social skills. They will also investigate issues related to personal safety and conflict resolution.

PPL1OM - Male - Healthy Active Living - Team Sports - Open

This course equips students with the knowledge and skills they need to make healthy choices now and lead healthy, active lives in the future. Through participation in a wide range of physical activities, students develop knowledge and skills related to movement competence and personal fitness that provide a foundation for active living. Students also acquire an understanding of the factors and skills that contribute to healthy development and learn how their own well-being is affected by, and affects, the world around them. Students build their sense of self, learn to interact positively with others, and develop their ability to think critically and creatively. The possible focus courses for Grade 9, along with their corresponding course codes, are as follows:

  • Healthy Living and Personal and Fitness Activities – PAF1O
  • Healthy Living and Large-Group Activities – PAL1O
  • Healthy Living and Individual and Small-Group Activities – PAI1O
  • Healthy Living and Aquatic Activities – PAQ1O
  • Healthy Living and Rhythm and Movement Activities – PAR1O
  • Healthy Living and Outdoor Activities – PAD1O


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Denis Morris Catholic High School   •   40 Glen Morris Dr   •   St. Catharines, Ontario, L2T 2M9 •  905 • 684 • 8731

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